Link Types

Link Types

Running Time: 01m 43s


This video provides an overview on all the different types of link you can create in Sketchanet.

NB Click on Image  in the bottom right of the video to view fullscreen.



About this video

This video assumes you are already logged into the Sketchanet editor. If you don't know how to do this, you can find out how here


The different links in Sketchanet

Below are listed the different ways of linking in the editor, with links to the respective tutorials:


  1. Menu Navigation
  2. Inline Text Link
  3. An Image Link
  4. A Cell Link
  5. A Link to an Anchor on the Same Page
  6. A Link to an Anchor on a different Page
  7. A Post Link
  8. An Email Link
  9. A Telephone Link
  10. A File Link