Blogging - Creating Post Templates

Blogging - Creating Post Templates

Our next step is to create a template for our posts.  This will denote the layout of our posts, i.e whether to display an image, and date, and post title as well as the content, and the order and styling in which they appear.


A post template is a template page for your blog posts. It won't show up itself on the site. You must have at least one post template in order to show posts on your site.



Creating a post template...

Create a new page from scratch or clone an existing page (learn how to do this in more detail here) by clicking on MANAGE PAGES in the editor. It's important this page is a NON MENU page.


We then need to tell Sketchanet this is a post template page by clicking on it's name and ensuring the post template tick box is selected.  You will then see a Image appear, indicating this is a post template page. 




We can then begin to design our template and in order to do that we use a Post Placeholder widget.


Post placeholders




The widget can be found by clicking INSERT MEDIA in the editor toolbar. It dynamically displays the part of your post of your choosing. We can insert a placeholder that will display a specific part of the post, such as the Date, Title, Content or Image of your post.  We can also edit a placeholder to swich between the various displays.




When we come to write a post in Stage 3, the information we insert will automatically appear in our post template according to the placeholders we include on our template page. We could, for example, decide not to include a Date placeholder, and accordingly this information will not be carried across to our post template.


Designing a post template...

We use post placeholders in order to design our template layout.  A template can be laid out in any fashion, exactly as with any page within Sketchanet. The difference is we need to ensure the post template tick box is selected (see above) and we include post placeholders.


1. Once happy with the layout design of your page, click the INSERT MEDIA button in the toolbar to insert a post placeholder widget into a cell of your choosing. 




2. Using the dropdown, choose which part of your post you want your placeholder to display.  Each placeholder can carry one piece of information... The Date, Title, Content or Image).  These can be changed later by clicking into the placeholder. 




3. Placeholders can be inserted into the same cell, one on top of the other or into seperate cells or even separate sections.




4. See two different post template layouts here:


A. Full Page Layout

B. Side Bar Layout



Post Template Settings

One final but vitally important task is to apply a setting to your post template. The setting allows you to define the text styles used for your post and how the date is displayed. To edit and or apply the post setting, click on the TEMPLATE SETTINGS button circled in the screenshot below. This button is only present on post template pages.




It is worth stressing the importance of assigning the post body text style. This style then becomes the default style for your post. Anything you type into your post editor will use this style by default, rather than the BASE BODY FONT that is the default throughout all of your other pages. 


Background Colour: The post editor has a white background by default. However if your post template design uses light text on a dark background, you'll need to be able to see the light text when editing posts that use this template. Select a background colour that is the same or similar to your post template background, and this will then be used as the background colour of the post editor, so you can see your text.

It should also be stressed that you can add any static content to your post template. This might include text and images, and this will be consistent on all post articles using the template. Only the dynamic parts defined by the post placeholders will be different for each article.



You can have multiple post templates

Note that we can create an unlimited number of post templates... assigning a different template to a post will change the way that post renders on your site. You can therfore have some posts using one layout and other posts using a different design.  You might want to do this to correlate with different categories of post.


You can create as many different template settings as you need.

If you switch the setting for a post template, all the posts using that template will be updated to use the new styles and date formatting assigned to that setting. This makes updating and reverting the styling of your posts really fast.



>> Next: Create some posts