The Swatches Dialogue Box - Rounde​​​​​​​d Corners

The Swatches Dialogue Box - Rounded Corners

Running Time: 01m 02s


This video shows how to create a swatch with rounded corners.


NB Click on Image in the bottom right of the video to view fullscreen



About this video

This video assumes you are already logged into the Sketchanet editor. If you don't know how to do this, you can find out how here


Select a cell or section and click on the 'Cell Graphics' or 'Section Graphics' tabs respectively.  In the Background colour & borders section (the first option) either:


To create a new swatch with rounded corners, click the plus sign to create a new swatch . Give the swatch a name. To add corners click the third option down of 'Corner radius', and untick the 'No radius box.  You then have the option to change whether the corner is applied to certain edges or all edges (by unticking or ticking ' Apply to all edges'. You can then save the swatch for use again later.


To edit an existing swatch simply select the swatch in the dropdown, then hit the 'EDIT' button.