Creating Page Redirects

Creating Page Redirects

Running Time: 00m 31s


This video shows you how to create a page redirect for your Sketchanet website. Please see below for some important tips.


NB Click on Image in the bottom right of the video to view fullscreen.



About this video

This video assumes you are already logged into the Sketchanet editor. If you don't know how to do this, you can find out how here


Sketchanet allows you to redirect any url within your domain, to any other url on the internet, either internal on your site or an external url. There is no limit to the number of urls you can redirect, and the redirects can either be temporary (303) or permanent (301).


How to create redirects

Log into the Sketchanet editor, click on the CHOOSE AN ACTION button at the top of the editor, and in the list of options that appears, select MANAGE REDIRECTS. This will open the Redirects Manager window.


The process should be self explanatory, but we will follow up with a video demostration soon.


Why do I need to create redirects?

If you have migrated your website to Sketchanet from some other platform, there is a good chance that one or more urls within your domain have changed. The old urls will still be listed in Google, so your prospective visitors will click those links and they will not get to the page they are expecting. You can make sure they end up at the correct page by creating a redirect. The same thing applies if you remove or replace a page, or change the url slug (the address of the page) for SEO reasons.


If you create a permanent (301) redirect, then the next time Google crawls that page, it will update it's index to reference the new url, and it will also pass on any existing search engine listing kudos to the new url. 


Migrating to Sketchanet from another platform.

As a best practise, you can avoid any temporary slump in search engine position by making sure that every single page you have listed in Google, and that does not have an equiavlent url in your new site, has a redirect to a valid page on the new site. You can easily do this yourself by typing in site: [yourdomainname] into the Google search box. This should then list all the urls Google has indexed for your website, and you can click on them in turn to check that they still exist. If not, create a redirect for each and every url that is no longer valid, and redirect to the most appropriate page on the new site.