​​​​​​​Creating A Background Gallery

Creating A Background Gallery

Running Time: 01m 22s


This video demonstrates how to create and apply a background gallery to a part of your page.


NB Click on Image in the bottom right of the video to view fullscreen.



About this video

This video assumes you are already logged into the Sketchanet editor. If you don't know how to do this, you can find out how here


A powerful feature within Sketchanet is to add a gallery as a background, in much the same way as you might add a background image. You can have any regular content content sitting in front of this background gallery. If used well, this can create a striking opener to your website and can convey a lot of information in a sweep of the eye.


NB: a gallery doesn't have to be a slideshow. For example by selecting a gallery setting that starts with a random image, and has no autoplay or other controls, it behaves instead like a random background image. This can be a very useful way of keeping your page fresh.


Setting up a background gallery is similar to creating a background image.


To apply a background gallery setting to a section, select that section, and then choose the Section Graphics tab from the right hand settings panel. To apply a background image to a gallery, select that cell, and then choose the Cell Graphics tab. 


The option to select a Background Gallery setting or to create a new one appears at the bottom.  You can give the setting a name, select an existing gallery or create a new one and apply a gallery setting using this dialogue box.